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off limits

Brand Strategy - Identity - 
YouTube channel

Off Limits is a YouTube series that tackles taboos and answers the toughest questions. It is a sub-brand to Sky News and with the launch of Sky News brand refresh this month comes with a refresh of all its off-platform channels too. This design is lead through a strong typographic approach with its logo design that allows elements to be taken through the whole brand. This sub brand programme is more bespoke whilst still feeling ‘recognisably Sky News’.


episode hero

For Off Limits new brand refresh, these are some examples
of thumbnail heros for the different episodes considered for desktop and mobile. The gritty textures are used to reflect
the real life yet taboo subjects that Off Limits presents.

Mobile snap Hero.jpg


For Off Limits new brand refresh, we integrated this brand across all channels including out social output. Off Limits

is a thought provoking series, that we aim to engage our younger audience. Some examples on how we approach the brand across different platforms.

Podcast mock.jpg

Hero images for Snapchat, Podcast, Instagram and some examples of thumbnail heros for the different episodes considered for YouTube, its main output platform.

skynews offlimits insta.png

the sting

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